About Est
This contemplative pastoral landscape—a view to the east (est) by Peter Hoffer evokes both a romantic and nostalgic sensibility. The Canadian painter has rendered a classic forested landscape that provides a wide horizontal vista. The colour palette is appropriately rich—deep greens, and browns that contrast with the soft turquoise, white, pink and mauve of the sky. Hoffer has revitalized varnishing techniques—thick coats of resin popular in the 19th century that now make his work thoroughly modern."I love landscape painting and one of the reasons I continue to do landscape painting is that these paintings are nowhere specific.” Peter Hoffer
He holds an MFA. from Concordia University and degrees from the University of Guelph and OCAD University. Hoffer has lived and worked in Toronto, New York City, Paris, Montreal and Berlin. He has exhibited widely at art fairs in Basel, Toronto, New York, Stockholm, London, Milan, Amsterdam and Hong Kong. His paintings are held in many private, corporate and public collections.