Defying Gravity new works by artist Lynne Fernie
25 August 2011 — 19 September 2011Lynne Fernie's drawings explore the narratives, gestures and malleability of bodies and libidos - animal and human - and the pure shape-shifting pleasure that emerges during the act of drawing. In the alcoves: new work by Rick Lapointe, Edward Falkenberg, Otto Rogers, Sasha Rogers, Neil Clifford, and Etienne Labbe.
Aphroditus Lynne Fernie $3,960
Sumi-e No 04 Lynne Fernie $1,980
The Boy Who Came From The Sea Lynne Fernie $3,960
Untitled No 03 Lynne Fernie Sold
Crescendo / Diminuendo Lynne Fernie Sold