Echo -- Oeno's Winter Group Exhibition
2 December 2016 — 29 January 2017Oeno's winter Group Exhibition, Echo, features paintings from the 1970s by acclaimed Canadian painters Milly Ristvedt and John Fox, and paintings and sculptures by many artists that reference their approach to colour and colour field. Aron Hill, Alice Teichert, Adam Cohen and Alex Cameron all bring their own talent to this exploration of colour. Sculptors Dale Dunning, Edward Falkenberg, Shayne Dark and John Paul Robinson have created works that provide a sharp counterpoint to the canvas. In the alcoves are works by Shireen Cameron, Simon Andrew, Roger Wood, P.Roch Smith, and Paula Murray.

Cutout with White and Yellow Aron Hill $3,100
Untitled No 7407 John Fox Sold
Fan with 1231212121321 Aron Hill Sold
A Figure With Two Black Circles Aron Hill Sold
Large Cutout with Yellow and White Aron Hill Sold
Nimbus Dale Dunning Sold
Cocoon Series Julia Reimer Sold
Emerald Green with Yellow Tracings Jennifer Hornyak Sold
Interactions Milly Ristvedt, RCA Sold
Enchanted Adam Cohen Sold
Moon Edward Falkenberg, RCA Sold
Mobius Jeremy Guy Sold
Aurora Borealis Alex Cameron Sold
Flames John Paul Robinson Sold
Yellow No 17 Ivo Stoyanov Sold
Erratic Colour Granny Smith Green Shayne Dark Sold
Pitch Pause Alice Teichert Sold