Watch Aron Hill's Artist Talk from the May 11th Vernissage of 'Mule with Transparent Pack and Rocks & Other Works'
Aron Hill joined us at Oeno Gallery from Calgary for the vernissage of their solo exhibition, 'Mule with Transparent Pack and Rocks & Other Works'. The gallery has represented Aron Hill since 2016 and we are proud to present Hill's latest body of work in our current exhibition, on view until June 9, 2024.
"This specific body of work came from thinking a lot about care and thinking about the practice of care...a very specific practice of care that happened starting two and a half years ago with my youngest daughter who is in the foster system. We got her at six hours old and have had her since so coming to terms with a lot of those issues and the things that come with that...I started to think about labour and this labour of care and how I consider my work in relationship to it and how the works almost acts as therapy for me."
Watch the full artist talk below: There are some audience questions that take place around the 15-minute mark.
Tagged Aron Hill; Posted 10 months ago 1 Minute(s) to read